lifetime texas rigs

This DIY coated cable kit comes with enough hardware to make 2 dozen rigs up to 5' long. LIFETIME DECOYS. Currently unavailable. Manufacturer's money-back satisfaction guarantee and 3-year warranty. I put their texas rigs on my 24 decoys and put them all in my decoy bag. 33 in stock Add to Cart. Size: 72" Weight: 6 oz. $114.99 $99.99. The “Texas Rig” design utilizes a fixed weight and sliding decoy and this design is far Manufacturer's money-back satisfaction guarantee and 3-year warranty. $52.99 $46.99. Lifetime Texas Rigs – 30" 3 oz Brown #LTD001 LIFETIME DECOYS SKU: 85870600403. PVC coated steel cable construction. Lifetime Decoys premium decoy rigging equipment is built with coated steel cable construction to be the easiest to use, most tangle-resistant and longest lasting decoy rigging equipment available anywhere. Email: This decoy rig boasts 12 fully assembled steel-cable rigs coated with PVC for tangle-free performance. Our ultra-high quality decoy rigs have set the standard in quality, durability, and convenience. LIFETIME DECOYS. Lifetime Decoys Texas Rigs - 48" - 4oz Lifetime Decoys. LIFETIME DECOYS RIGGING EQUIPMENT With our patent pending PVC coated steel cable design, our Texas Rigs are built to outlast your decoys and never tangle. Lifetime Decoys 48″ 4oz Texas Decoy Rigs (12 Pack)-Construction – 10/10 Tangle Free – 10/10 Cost – 9/10 Use – 10/10. SKU: 85870600404 | UPC: 858706004040. Lifetime Decoys Texas Rigs - 48" - 6oz Lifetime Decoys. Their unique memory cord makes them extremely tangle resistant. No decoy rigs are more tangle-resistant, easier to use or last longer, guaranteed. Our ultra-high quality decoy rigs have set the standard in quality, durability, and convenience. Lifetime Decoys Texas rigs were designed to do two things: Not tangle, and last season after season. $39.99 to $46.99. $33.23. These rigs are amazing, and I'm sure I said it just a few times in the video. New FlexFloat Mallard Decoys, Texas Rigs and Decoy Rigging Gear by Lifetime Decoys sets a new standard in waterfowl hunting industry. $49.99. Color/Type: Color/Type. Lifetime Decoys premium decoy rigging equipment is built with coated steel cable construction to be the easiest to use, most tangle-resistant and longest lasting decoy rigging equipment available anywhere. The 48” rigs are good for anything between mid-thigh and chest height. Lifetime Decoys Texas rigs were designed to do two things: Not tangle, and last season after season. Lifetime Decoys 72" 6oz Texas Rig Decoy Anchors 4.4 out of 5 stars 27. Notes: Lifetime Decoys makes some of the strongest and durable rigs on the market.They use different materials to truly give a zero line memory design. Lifetime Decoys Lifetime Decoys 48" 6oz Texas Rig Decoy Rigs The ultra-high quality decoy rigs have set the standard in quality, durability, and convenience. Lifetime Decoys 48" 4oz Texas Rig Decoy Anchors 4.3 out of 5 stars 96. Learn more about Amazon Prime. With our patent pending PVC coated steel cable design, our Texas Rigs are built to outlast your decoys and never tangle. Our ultra-high quality decoy rigs have set the standard in quality, durability, and convenience. I think they named them "Lifetime" because that is how long the knots will last. Anything deeper than that, you’re looking at the 72” and 10 foot Texas rig. Web:, ©2019 | Lifetime Decoys | All Rights Reserved, 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New FlexFloat Mallards - 12 Pack of Decoys, 12 fully assembled Texas rig decoy rigs w/weights, 3 Year warranty and money-back satisfaction guarantee. 12 in stock Add to Cart. This decoy rig boasts 12 fully assembled steel-cable rigs coated with PVC for tangle-free performance. Finally, LIFETIME DECOYS. 231-994-DUCK Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. I would not waste my money on these. Our ultra-high quality decoy rigs have set the standard in quality, durability, and convenience. See and discover other items: texas rigs, texas rig weights, Rigging Carabiners, lifetime decoy rigs, Explore rigs for decoys There's a problem loading this menu right now. Lifetime Decoys Texas rigs were designed to do two things: Not tangle, and last season after season. The “Texas Rig” design utilizes a fixed weight and sliding decoy. Lifetime Decoys Texas Rigs with Carabiner 72" 6 oz. The “Texas Rig” design utilizes The weight and loop are secured with ferrule crimps that are machine-pressed so they won’t come loose. lifetime decoys texas rigs With our patent pending PVC coated steel cable design, our Texas Rigs are built to outlast your decoys and never tangle. Additionally, the lines will always remain functional even if damaged, unlike with a sliding weight design. If they aren't the best you've ever used, just let us know and we'll give you your money back and you can keep the rigs! Lifetime Decoys Gang Rig Decoy Drops. This DIY coated-cable Texas Rig kit comes with enough cable to make two dozen rigs up to 5ft long each. $48.99. No decoy rigging equipment works better, period. In stock on October 14, 2020. This design is far superior to a sliding weight because the retrieval loop sits next to the decoy keel when in the water, keeping your hands dry when picking up. lifetime decoys texas rigs With our patent pending PVC coated steel cable design, our Texas Rigs are built to outlast your decoys and never tangle. Simply cut the cable to you desired length with the wire cutters, thread a swivel clip through the line, then use the ferrule crimps to make a retrieval loop and attach your weight. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Simply cut the cable to your desired length with some wire snips, thread a swivel clip through the line, then use the ferrule crimps to make the retrieval loop and attach your old weight. Lifetime Decoys 30" 3oz Texas Rig Decoy Anchors 4.3 out of 5 stars 34. Generally, we find that the 30” rigs are good for rice fields and flooded timber up to your knees. I'm not bluffing though. Lifetime Decoys 72" 6oz Texas Rig Decoy Rigs Brand: LIFETIME. Toggle menu. LIFETIME DECOYS. Lifetime Texas Rigs. The added bonus of their heavy duty clip and ball bearings swivel connect each rig to your decoys. Texas rig decoy rigs made of PVC coated steel cable - Lasts longer, doesn't tangle. With Lifetime Decoys patent pending PVC coated steel cable design, these Texas Rigs are built to outlast your decoys and never tangle. $38.99. Our four ounce teardrop shaped weights are designed to catch fewer weeds and will hold most decoys if there is vegetation in the body of water. How to choose your length and weight: Teardrop weights keep your decoys in place, while 1 large camo carabiner makes the Lifetime Decoys Coated-Cable Texas Rigs easy to transport and set up. Fixed weight sliding decoy design . When I dumped the decoys out of the bag they were a jumble of knots. Finally, Lifetime Decoys PVC coated steel cable Texas rigs are guaranteed to be the easiest to use, longest lasting, most tangle-resistant rigs you've ever used or your money back Product details Is Discontinued By Manufacturer : No lifetime decoys texas rigs With our patent pending PVC coated steel cable design, our Texas Rigs are built to outlast your decoys and never tangle. Lifetime Decoys First and foremost, because of our coated cable line material, you don’t have to worry as much about your rigs being slightly long. Email: Add to Cart. If you are hunting tidal or moving waters with a hard bottom, you will want to use the six ounce mushroom weight. This DIY coated-cable Texas Rig kit comes with enough cable to make two dozen rigs up to 5ft long each. PVC coating for salt water and … The weight and loop are secured with ferrule crimps that are machine-pressed so they won’t come loose. Lifetime Decoys Gang Rig. Our ultra-high quality decoy rigs have set the standard in quality, durability, and convenience. The weights get tangled up into a giant knot. lifetime decoys texas rigs With our patent pending PVC coated steel cable design, our Texas Rigs are built to outlast your decoys and never tangle. Lifetime Decoys premium decoy rigging equipment is built with coated steel cable construction to be the easiest to use, most tangle-resistant and longest lasting decoy rigging equipment available anywhere. 12 fully assembled rigs Jerk Rigs - Gang Rigs Make your own equivalent of the Lifetime Decoy style Texas rigs. SKU: 85870600422 | UPC: 858706004224. ACK, LLC RMR001-54 Rig'Em Right Decoy Anchors (Pack of 12), 54-Inch/6-Ounce 4.7 out of 5 stars 67. Lifetime Decoys Texas Rigs 48" 6 oz Coated Cable Decoy Rig w/Carabiner . Simply cut the cable to your desired length with some wire snips, thread a swivel clip through the line, then use the ferrule crimps to make the retrieval loop and attach your old weight. 4.5 out of 5 stars 32 ratings. The PVC coated steel cable lines don’t have line memory and coils, and are naturally resistant to knotting or tangling. $29.99) (No reviews yet) Write a Review. The Lifetime Texas Rig 48' 4OZ is specifically designed to be both durable and resistant to both use and weather. Avian-X Top Flight Blue Winged Teal Duck Decoys 6 Pack, 10" from Breast to Tail (8080) 4.9 out of 5 stars 123. Duckspro Waterfowl has become a dealer for Lifetime Decoys Texas style decoy rigs. $24.99) (No reviews yet) Write a Review. Web:, ©2019 | Lifetime Decoys | All Rights Reserved, 125′ Lifetime Decoys PVC coated steel spool, 12 Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Swivel Clips w/Coastlock Snap. 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