furnace not blowing cold air

Your furnace might be running just fine, but the air blowing out of your vents feels cold. If you haven’t done that yet this winter, call in an HVAC service expert to keep your system in top shape and prevent unexpected failures. This will eliminate the risk of freezing. If your thermostat’s fan setting is set to ON, then your furnace blower will constantly be operating ever when it is not putting warm air into your home. This is due to the programmed settings of a furnace system, which gauge the temperature within a living quarter and only disperse heat until the preset temperature is reached. To fix this issue is simple, just flip the fan switch from “ ON ” to “ AUTO .”. This “hot then cold air” sequence happens over and over and your home isn’t warming up. The best thing to do is have an HVAC specialist route the condensate drain into your sewage drain. All Rights Reserved. heater is not lighting the fuel, as a result of which it cannot heat your home, Ducane Furnace Reviews [Models and Prices]. If you've recently had an electric power surge or any other power issue, the fix could be as simple as replacing a fuse or flipping the circuit breaker. The heat exchanger uses natural gas instead of oil as its fuel source. To mitigate carbon monoxide and puff backs, an internal motor kicks on and creates a vacuum just before the burner engages. Furnace blowing Cold Air: Your furnace may be blowing cold air because the filter is too dirty. Pilotless furnaces have been an energy-saving breakthrough for the home and commercial heating industries. That’s why the furnace is not blowing hot air. Because the work involved is technical, trying a do-it-yourself replacement could do you more harm than good. Unfortunately, it isn't uncommon for an HSI to malfunction. If you're lucky, the problem may be as simple as changing a fuse on the circuit board. The flame sensor itself is relatively easy to clean, but many homeowners are uncomforable working on their furnaces. When the fan is on, the furnace will continue to blow, regardless of whether or not the air is being heated. 5. How a furnace works is that a spark or flame ignites the gas that heats the coils in your unit.. Basically, the furnace isn’t lighting the fuel, meaning it can’t heat your home, either. Check your air filter, and clean or replace if needed. Why Is My Furnace Running but Not Blowing Hot Air? This is a likely cause if your furnace blows hot air, then cold. If this doesn't resolve your cold air problem it could be the themostat itself, but before calling a professional, we recommend trying the other troubleshooting suggestions first. With that said, even if you recently changed your filter you should check it again. Your gas supply could be turned off. If you choose to call a professional to do the job for you, this would be a good time to have your system inspected. Some reasons your furnace is blowing cold air: You might have walked by a vent and noticed the air seemed cool. Another telltale sign is if your utility bills are higher than they should be based on use. It’s possible your furnace overheated. You can try to follow your ductwork and check for leaks, you may even find something obvious and easy to fix. When it gets cold enough outside that you need to turn on your heating system, the last thing you expect is to find that your furnace is blowing cold air. Have your system professionally cleaned to take care of this problem. If after refilling the tank your furnace doesn't turn on, it may be necessary to manually bleed and restart your furnace. But before you call for help, you might be able to do some simple troubleshooting and save yourself a little money by fixing it yourself. If not, the compromised air flow can cause your furnace to overheat, shutting down the burner. This guide will tell you what you need to know if that happens. But you might want to consider calling a professional HVAC service who has the knowledge, tools and experience to find and repair the problem. The condensation must be removed from the system and if your condensate drain terminates outside your home, it can freeze. When your heater isn’t working properly and is blowing cold air, don’t despair. If you own an electric furnace and it's blowing cold air there's a few things that could be causing the problem. Many of the causes of furnace problems can be prevented with regularly-scheduled cleaning and maintenance. In such a case, your heater is not lighting the fuel, as a result of which it cannot heat your home. Seals breakdown, the constant pull of gravity, rodents, incorrect installation, and even age can play havoc when it comes to delivering hot air. The oil from your fingers can cause permanent damage to the part. You might be suprised to learn that one of the most common residential HVAC issues is the thermostat. Another common reason your furnace is blowing cold air is that your flame sensor is dirty.. Changing your filter is a good starting point, but if the problem persists we have other options for you to troubleshoot. And if it's the dead of Winter, this can be a serious problem that needs immediate attention. How to Troubleshoot a Furnace Blower That Runs No Heat. If your gas supply is not turned off, then you probably have a severed line. A dirty air filter blocks airflow over the furnace’s heat exchanger, causing it to overheat. A furnace blowing cold air is indicative of a problem. The furnace will be more likely to pull in sediment from the tank, which can clog your air filter. Have you installed a new thermostat lately? Or the gas line isn’t supplying enough gas to your furnace. If you own a gas furnace, there are several potential things that can cause cold air to blow when you're expecting hot. Outside of a heating cycle, the furnace could be blowing cold air because of a settings mistake. But my furnace was blowing hot air, and my family wasn’t complaining any more, so I didn’t complain either… at least not out loud. Alternatively, you can call your local utility company or an HVAC technician to make sure it is lit safely. That may be a quick and easy fix. Here are some possible reasons your furnace is blowing cold air: The furnace is overheating Icy cold air blowing from your vents on an already cold night is a dreadful experience. They are available in electric, gas and oil models. Have you changed your air filter lately? If you cannot relight the pilot, check your gas supply. While in some cases, you’ll need a professional the fix the pump. Check the furnace’s air filter. Changing your furnace filter is an important part of caring for your HVAC system and it should be done, at minimum, every three months. Have an expert inspect your ducts along with the furnace. In fact, the problem may be as simple as changing your filter! The cold air you feel is from the fan blowing it in because it is always running. In addition, there are a few problems that are unique to pilotless furnaces which you'll want to look into if the troubleshooting tips above don't fix your problem. The blower motor itself does not … Is your “furnace not blowing out hot air”? Copyright 2020 Think Tank Home. Your furnace blows hot air but that air quickly turns cold then the furnace shuts off altogether. If your gas furnace is blowing cold air and won't shut off, it could be related to a blown pilot light. If you suspect that ice is the problem, then wrap the condensate line with heat tape and pipe insulation. The thermocouple is a sensor that regulates ignition, and if it requires adjustment or replacement your furnace will blow cold air. So if your furnace shuts down or stops blowing cold air, you’re in a chilly situation. When this is the case there's a good chance that the material will degrade and begin to leak. Solution. Overheated furnace. If the vacuum does not occur, the furnace will not ignite. You might not think your filter contributes to your AC not blowing cold air, but it does. Although you can do this yourself, we recommend calling a professional as there may be another underlining problem. Or, it may prevent the furnace from operating at all. It's also possible that the furnace's pilot light isn't well shielded. But when it stops blowing hot air and starts blowing cold air, you know you have to find a solution. Try changing the air filter and restarting the furnace. When an oil furnace blows cold air the problem could be the result of one of the following reasons: It may seem silly, but you'd be surprised at how many people's furnace problems are simply a case of running out of oil. After ruling out all of the ‘simple’ problems above, the most likely cause of a furnace not blowing air is a problem with the blower fan itself which, if you remember, … Last update on 2020-12-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. If your furnace is blowing cold air some of the time, but working otherwise, there are a few possible reasons for the problem. The HSI features a cobalt element that's prone to cracking. This could happen from a gust of air caused by someone working near the furnace. Improper Thermostat Settings. Extinguished pilot light. Check the Service Door It is possible—particularly if you’ve recently changed your furnace filter or done other maintenance—that the door to your furnace has been left open or closed improperly. Consult an HVAC expert for advice. Your furnace may or may not be blowing cold air if your ductwork is leaking, but you may have noticed it more challenging to keep one or two rooms warm. To do this find the gas line and make sure that the gas valve is parallel with the pipe. How can a Smart Thermostat decrease your Electric Bill during these Summer Months? Then the furnace’s condensate line (usually a PVC pipe) may be blocked, which causes the furnace to shut down. 2. Solution 3: If the pilot lights, but won’t stay lit, then there’s a problem with the thermocouple (the copper rod you see the pilot flame hitting). With the AUTO setting chosen, your furnace should only run the fan during a heating cycle and not push cold air through your vents in between. Another telltale sign is if your utility bills are higher than they should be based on use. A furnace that frequently shuts off automatically may have other issues, such as a clogged air filter or blocked ducts that are causing the furnace to overheat. Relight it and wait for a few minutes. That’s why the furnace is not blowing hot air. When the burners of your furnace are clogged, there won’t be enough fuel for your furnace to keep blowing out hot air. If your furnace seems to be blowing cold air, it could be a problem with the ignition system. Make sure the furnace’s gas valve switch is in the “on” position (parallel/in line with the gas supply pipe. The cool air is not necessarily a sign that you need to replace your furnace. If the fan limit switch malfunctions, the blower might continue to operate even when the furnace is not heating the air resulting in your furnace blowing cold air from your registers. If so, your blower may keep circulating cold air even after the burners fail to light and produce heat. Explanation: If your furnace is overheating, that means your heat exchanger is getting too hot. If you did it yourself instead of calling a professional, you may have chosen a thermostat that’s not compatible with your heating system. if the switch is on, then check to see if the pilot light is dirty. Troubleshooting Furnaces Not Blowing Hot Air. Check for instructions on how to ignite your model’s pilot light. Have You Been Changing Your Furnace Filter? Do this: Turn off your furnace at the thermostat Solution 1: Relight the furnace pilot light. If the furnace turns on but no heat comes out, it will be a cold night. Your System Was Just Turned On. So if you feel the air blowing out of the vents while the furnace is off, the air will seem cool since it’ll be at about room temperature. If you do manage to relight the pilot but it keeps going out, a faulty thermocouple is likely causing your furnace to blow cold air. In such cases, if your fan is still running, it could cause the system to blow out cold air, instead. A gas furnace is a type of heating system. If not, the compromised air flow can cause your furnace to overheat, shutting down the burner. If you’ve ever worked in an office where someone has cranked the AC way up high to the discomfort of others, then you know where this is going. If your gas furnace seems incapable of blowing hot air, the problem could be with the ignition system. 4. I’m honestly not trying to insult your intelligence, but you’d be shocked at how many times we’ve gotten a call to come out when a furnace won’t turn off, only to find out that it was really a cold-war between the wife who likes it at 80 degrees and the husband who likes it at 68. A flame sensor that’s covered with grime or worn out can cause the burner to keep shutting off. Or, if your system has not been cleaned in a while, a valve could be stuck due to dirt and debris. 1) Change the furnace’s air filter if it’s dirty Then, use a pipe cleaner or other small brush to remove any clogs within the supply tube. But I was complaining a little on the inside. if it is, clean it to allow gas to come through. When the condensate drain freezes, it causes condensation to drip back into your system and trigger a shutdown. If your thermostat is set to "on" instead of "auto," it could be causing your furnace to blow cold air. If you’re comfortable doing so, just follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to re-light it safely. 2. If cleaning the pilot tube and ignition element doesn't solve the problem, and you continue to lose your pilot, the thermocouple may be defective. Use care not to touch an HSI when troubleshooting or installing a new one. Your furnace may be blowing cold air because the filter is too dirty. If the flame sensor is dirty, it will produce inaccurate readings which can cause heating issues. We will examine the most common issues that cause your furnace to blow lukewarm air, including: Solution 2: If the pilot refuses to light, ensure that gas is flowing into the furnace. If you have an older furnace with a continuous pilot light, the pilot may have gone out. If this is the case, someone walking by the burner could generate enough of a draft to cause the pilot to go out. If the furnace still blows cold air, call in a professional. There’s only one thing worse than a furnace not working, it’s a furnace blowing cold air. Unfortunately, more complex issues in this department typically require an expensive replacement. The first thing you should check is the fuses or circuit breaker. Cold air trapped inside will need to be expelled before the hot air can take its place! Furnace Blowing Cold Air? If you have an oil-fired furnace, you may be out of fuel. We strive to provide the best possible customer service experience for each of our customers. If you notice your furnace only blows cold air on occasion but your home is still maintaining its temperature than this may be simply a setting on your thermostat. It needs to be adjusted or replaced. You can easily fix this problem by thawing the condensate, but you'll need to take long term measures to prevent the issue from happening again. Consult your users manual for directions on restoring the settings for your specific unit. Try changing the air filter and restarting the furnace. Here are the reasons your system is not producing warm air, and what to do. Why Furnaces Blow Cold Air & What To Do Next. Go to your thermostat and take a look at the fan setting. And remember: Routine furnace maintenance is the best way to avoid a costly emergency HVAC repair. What To Do When The Furnace Is Not Blowing Hot Air. When it is chilly, having a heater that is not working is a major cause of concern. Ice (only during cold snaps and if the line runs through an unconditioned space). These components typically have a 3 to 5 year service life, so it's a good idea to keep a spare on hand for when it inevitably needs to be replaced. A dirty air filter blocks airflow over the furnace’s heat exchanger, causing it to overheat. Make sure the gas valve is switched on. If you have an oil-fired furnace, its filter can become clogged with dirt and debris, just like an air filter on a gas-fired system. Try changing the batteries. If the gas is on, but the pilot won't light or stay lit, the pilot tube or orifice may be dirty. If the flame stays on, great! Many times the problem can be resolved by restoring the thermostat to it's factory default settings. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Next, use fine-grit sandpaper to remove any oxidation from the tip of the pilot, and reattach the pilot tube to the furnace. When overheating, your furnace can trip a high limit switch, causing the furnace burners to shut off so that the heat exchanger does not crack. Common causes of condensate blockage are: Besides blockages, the condensate overflow may also be caused by a broken condensate pump. If your fan is set to "on," your furnace will continue to blow cold air until the drain thaws. If you find that you go to bed comfortable and wake up freezing because instead of your heater delivering warm air, it's blowing cold, it might be because the condensate drain has frozen. During cold weather, you want to be sure that your furnace is blowing plenty of hot air. Once the vacuum is created, the vacuum switch sends a signal for the furnace to ignite. In other words; no vacuum means no ignition, which may be why you are experiencing cold air when you're expecting hot. Leaky ductwork can cause serious issues for your heating system. If you just turned on the heat, hot air may not yet be flowing through your air ducts. It’s Just Been Switched On – Any furnace will blow cold air when it starts up, since it takes time for hot air to travel through the system and into your home. If this is the case, you can simply switch the setting from "on" to "auto" and your problem should be fixed. Have your system cleaned and checked by an HVAC professional. However, if that line gets blocked, water backs up into the furnace, causing an overflow kill switch to shut down the furnace to prevent water damage. Somebody else is adjusting the thermostat . Funny as it may sound, a system set to “on” will not necessarily blow warm air. When high-efficiency furnaces run, they create water (condensate), which is emptied out a drain line. In most situations, it's best to enlist the help of a professional to fix this problem. When overheating, your furnace can trip a high limit switch, causing the furnace burners to shut off so that the heat exchanger does not crack. When considering whether to purchase a gas furnace or oil furnace, homeowners should consider where their home’s location and their heating needs. Fill up the empty oil tank and try restarting your furnace. If your furnace is blowing cold air, not blowing any air at all, or making odd noises, it’s important to schedule a repair as soon as possible. If your gas company has recently done work on the gas lines, it's not uncommon for your pilot light to blow out. Therefore, set your fan to “auto” to coordinate it with the furnace and you’ll just have hot air blowing, not cold. Clean it to ensure proper gas flow. Also read: Furnace Duct Cleaning: Know About Their Pros and Cons. Your furnace clicks on and the blower motor is running, but the air coming from the vents is cold or cool instead of hot. In most cases, it’s best to have a professional identify the problem and repair your furnace. If your pilot light did go out, try to relight it. As a pilotless burner owner, you'll want to keep your fingers crossed that your issue isn't related to your burner's circuitry. This is usually a simple fix, but you’ll need to call a technician to adjust or replace it. If this is the case, you'll first want to turn the gas valve that supplies the pilot light off. If your furnace ran out of fuel, or was simply low on fuel, this could be your problem. Is your furnace not blowing hot air? ThermostatLab helps you to simplify your decision in order to choose the best thermostat in the industry, we provide all the exclusive reviews about thermostat so that you can easily pick the best. Turn the gas valve to the "on" position, and try to light the pilot again. These Common Issues May be the Reason, AC Evaporator Coils: Everything You Need to Know, AC Compressor Not Working but Fan is Running, Evaporator Coil Leak: What You Need to Do, Looking for A Portable Air Conditioner That Doesn’t Need A Window, Why Your Furnace is Short Cycling and What to Do About It, Best 50 Gallon Electric Water Heaters: Our Top Picks. Excessive heat or exposure to water can damage the circuit board, which can cause your furnace to lose some or all of its functionality. The thermocouple is a sensor that controls the gas valve and ignition. To protect the heater from malfunctioning altogether, engineers embed automatic limit switches that are responsible for turning the heat-generating furnace off. This results in your furnace not heating up the coils. You can avoid expensive repairs by troubleshooting furnace problems before calling a professional. Check your thermostat and make sure that it is set to “auto” rather than “on.” When set to “on”, the fan on your furnace will blow continually, even when the furnace isn’t actually heating the air. There could be a few reasons why your furnace is chilling the room. The pilot light is another common culprit of gas furnace problems. If it is, the problem might be a simple thermostat setting. Depending on the type of burner you have, it isn't uncommon to experience any of the issues listed above. If your furnace starts blowing warm but then quickly turns cold, the flame sensor may need attention. Your furnace might lock down for safety reasons if it is not getting the amount of gas it requires to provide warm air. It generates heat through ductwork in the home by using a pilot light connected to a thermostat that homeowners can set to regulate the temperature in their homes. These 5 fixes can solve most furnace problems without you needing to pay for a repairman to come out. If the pilot won’t light at all, you may have a faulty gas valve. If you have a high-efficiency furnace and you see water pooling around the furnace. You may have a thermocouple-related problem, meaning the component needs adjusting or replacing. If the furnace burner itself is neglected, accumulated dust and grime can cause trouble igniting. Your furnace blowing cold air could be caused by hot air escaping through holes in the duct work that carries the heat throughout your building. If the flame goes out, then all is not well. though several reasons can cause this problem, there are a few things you can do before you call a professional. Fortunately, there are specific reasons why your furnace may not … Your furnace may be blowing cold air because the filter is too dirty. If your gas furnace is older and it’s blowing cold air, chances are its pilot light has gone out. As your oil or gas-powered furnace heats the air, condensation is created. If you’ve had the thermostat for a while, the battery might be low. Once its lit, if it doesn’t stay lit, it may need some routine maintenance from an HVAC professional. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Have you changed your air filter lately? Ductwork is often installed in areas such as attics, garages or crawl spaces where there isn't temperature control. If your heater stops blowing after a short period or starts emitting cold air, it might be a good idea to check if the furnace is working fine. When overheating, your furnace can trip a high limit switch, causing the furnace burners to shut off so that the heat exchanger does not … Every thermostat has two air blower settings: auto and on. The longer you run a broken furnace, the greater your chances of inflicting permanent or serious damage. One of the most common causes of a furnace blowing cold air is not actually a repair at all. Don’t freeze on days and nights you should be warm and cozy. If it is, you probably have a dirty pilot light. Regular maintenance can prevent HVAC problems like your furnace blowing cold air. Also, if your oil burner isn't functioning correctly you should check for a clogged filter. Check to see if one of these troubleshooting tips fixes the issue. But if it doesn't light, or it won't stay lit, you'll want to check that gas is flowing to the pilot. If so, the limit switch, a furnace safety device, turned the furnace burners off. Confirm whether the pilot light is out. You’ll find the instructions on the unit itself or in the user’s manual provided. Make sure the switch is set to AUTO, not ON. The reason your furnace is not blowing hot air could be something very simple or a reason to call for service. A dirty air filter blocks airflow over the furnace’s heat exchanger, causing it to overheat. Check The Thermostat. A clogged filter will restrict air flow into your home. Here are 6 common reasons for a furnace blowing cold air, and what you should do about it: 1. An HSI or Hot Surface Ignitor is the most popular way to ignite a pilotless furnace. When your furnace is blowing cold air your warm and inviting home can turn into an icebox in a matter of hours! If you haven’t been regularly checking and changing your air filter, it’s most likely extremely clogged. At first, you may think the furnace will stop blowing cold air on its own, but after several minutes you realize that something is wrong and that the furnace is not going to fix itself. Major duct problems Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. What’s the problem? However, fixing the problem can be easier than you think. When the filter is clogged, ignition can be affected and the result is your heating not blowing hot air. 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