the moral underclass discourse

Many excluded children were placed with little planning where there was room. Moreover, in focusing on paid work, SID neglects the role of unpaid work. London’s council estates and their residents are under threat like never before. MUD means Moral Underclass Discourse. (2004). this debate refers to loss of access to important life chances, especially those that connect individuals to the mainstream of society. Data drawn from (Department for Education and Skills, 2004c, 2005a), fig.1 The trend in recorded levels of permanent exclusion from school 1997 to 2004, The contribution of Critical Discourse Analysis. Reasons for exclusion from school. 8. HM The Queen (2005). This �statement� has no legal force � it is not legislation or even departmental guidance. In the current study the concept is Available online at: (accessed 4th June 2005). 9 MUD – Moral Underclass Discourse SID – Social Integrationist Discourse RED – Redistributionist Discourse 10. and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place An additional factor in this choice was the brevity of such texts facilitating analysis by a sole researcher in the course of a limited project. This suggests that the levels of exclusion were to be seen as significant and a cause for concern. (London, Falmer Press). argumentation analysis to break down the generic structure of the key arguments 3). It is also concerned with, for example, the exclusion of sections, The concept of social exclusion represents a key theme in current social policy debates in the United Kingdom. Fairclough (2001) recommends asking whether the social order in some sense �needs� the problem under consideration. What is achieved and lost in living in a mixed-income neighborhood? (Department for Education and Skills, 2005b). The article concludes by arguing that housing should be foregrounded, rather than neglected, in the analysis of the dynamics of urban advanced marginality. Policy Studies, 26(1), 3-27. • Individuals or communities are seen as deviant, immoral, impulsive, welfare dependant, unhealthy and criminal. She also introduced the concepts of MUD (the moral underclass discourse), SID (the social integration discourse), and RED (the redistribution discourse), as tools for analysing social exclusion. This limits their ability to resist the increasing demonisation described above. Just as the anti-exclusion, target setting rhetoric of 1998 led to a (recorded) fall in exclusions, so it seems inevitable that the rise of a neo-conservative, fig.5 The Press Releases colour coded in terms of Levitas� (1998) three discourses of social exclusion. This is followed by a discussion of two examples from recent UK housing policy (the shift in the 1980s from defining lone mothers as the victims of housing shortages to a morally questionable group subverting needs-based allocation policies and the re-emergence of anti-social behaviour as a problem on housing estates). This paper examines contemporary housing management practice by attention to a changing discourse within social policy, emphasising duties over rights. That is: "descriptions with a covert prescriptive intent, aimed at getting people to act in certain ways on the basis of representations of what is." analysis and that the shift between 1997 and 2001 is so dramatic � I believe it Fairclough, N. (2000). Thus, I am arguing that, in texts 2 and 3, a child behaving in a 2007;Pierson 2010). Oxford Review Of Education, 31(1), 47-69. Even in academic discourse the underclass is rarely defined in precise terms. (lines 12-13), "I propose to extend Parenting Orders so that they can be used to make parents take responsibility for the behaviour of their children in school." To this end, 18, establish new regional development agencies that from, ideological and political concerns (Jacobs, and deck access, the targets of writers operating, housing association and local authority property. The consecutive section elaborates on the policy responses and their challenges. 2004/0196. I focussed on examining the changing representations of parents and children. Many estates were built as part of earlier urban renewal, ‘slum clearance’ programs especially in the post-World War 2 heyday of the Keynesian welfare state. The Uses of Argument. For example, the paratactic structure of the phrase "violent or persistently disruptive pupils" (text 2, line 32) implies equivalence. texts (potentially containing other voices) which are related to in a variety of Levitas (1998) analyses the literature around the subject, ad provides three key social policies relating to the causes and solutions of social exclusion. Making explicit the relationships between texts and their social context is the key strength of CDA. The solution is seen as keeping children in school. All of the above behaviours, including disruption, are being grouped together and characterised by the headline as meaning the same as "violent pupils" (text 2, line 1). I would suggest that this depersonalised construction is a grammatical metaphor(15) (Fairclough, 2003) which makes it easier to demonise the children whose �behaviour� is implicitly being referred to. Hypotaxis describes clauses in a subordinate Some degree of authoritarianism or, as Levitas (1998) terms it, moral underclass discourse has been evident in New Labour�s discourse on parents since the advent of �New� Labour (Dunn, 2004). First, it fits with the principles of marketization, especially the logic of consumerism and the implication of choice, engagement, participation, competitive tendering, and the like. BBC Radio 4. Admissions and Exclusions of Pupils with. Both analyses view New Labour�s version of social exclusion as deeply intertwined with neo-liberal economic theories and argue that this combination promotes social inequity. housing exclusion policies, and link them to the general exclusion of Roma (Kemeny 2001). Moral arguments lie at the heart of our understanding of social solidarity, and of the distinction between notions of social solidarity and pious rightwing claims of ‘we’re all in it together’. Reisigl, M. & Wodak, R. (2001). National College for School Leadership. Anna Haworth. 5). ... economic, and cultural relationships and activities (Burchardt et al. background differences by making entities appear equivalent. Learn more. "PC computing". In 1998, all three discourses are visible but redistributive concerns predominate, especially at the all important beginning and end of the text. concern is poverty; a moral underclass discourse (MUD) which centres on the moral and behavioural delinquency of the excluded themselves; and a social integrationist discourse (SID) whose central focus is on paid work.19 In brief, it refers to myriad social problems and their multiple causes. Halliday (1994)�s extension of the concept of metaphor to grammar. Text 2 was issued shortly after New Labour�s second election victory in 2001. Particular emphasis is given to how “poor neighbourhoods” and “housing problems” are represented within the report in relation to the three discourses of social exclusion. Keywords Social Exclusion Social Integration Unpaid Work Lone Mother Social Citizenship These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. Department for Education and Skills (2005a). In 1998 (text 1), while parental irresponsibility is identified as a problem, the solution is seen as the provision of help for parents, albeit with some compulsion. drawn on Fairclough�s (2003, p.81-82) adaptation of Toulmin�s (1958) "Rhetorical practice, in the form of public relations and �spin�, fuelled by the media explosion, is now more centre stage than ever.". While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure This shift conveys a notion of poverty that involves not only the problem of income inequalities and of deprivation but also points out barriers to the participation of individuals and social groups affected by poverty in, A constructionist approach to the study of social problems and housing policy provides a theoretically informed means of analysing the ways in which housing policy is formulated and implemented. The immediate results of the Press Notice in terms of newspaper articles were three articles (and a minor reference) in the next day�s newspapers. I will return to the issue of the relationship between the texts and statistics showing the levels of exclusion later. Following both Fairclough (1992), enumeration districts (EDs), do not necessarily contain, impact on the identification of the most. (London, Routledge). Audit Commission (1996). Its central focus was the announcement of a target to reduce exclusions and truancy by one third by 2002. and relocated in the context of other texts. The current study, therefore, strengthens my analysis of shifts in government discourse on exclusion by applying CDA to primary sources from the period in question. Home Office, 8 Jun 2005. Text 3 includes only one mention of parents (as potential aggressors). Being in school will "give thousands of children a better chance in life." Very many of the readers (voters!) Ruth Levitas (1998) sees New Labour�s version of social exclusion as embedded in three distinct and conflicting discourses, which she labels redistributionist (RED), social integrationist (SID) and moral underclass (MUD). 7. 4 The change in the types of words co-located with �children� and �pupils�. research. in a relation of equivalence, often joined by a conjunction such as �and� or More recently, and building directly on Levitas� analysis, Davies (2005) has argued that New Labour�s view of social inclusion has become similar to membership of a social club in which the poor are required to pay a high price for entry, in personal responsibility and risk taking, whilst the rich are exempt from the obligations of membership. In this chapter, we aim to explore the mechanisms of direct or indirect Unlike the other two texts, it does not appear to have been based on a speech but to be an example of a Press Notice serving as an announcement of government policy (a common practice under New Labour as I indicated earlier). However it seems likely that this is due to the general lack of coherence of text 3 rather than a shift in value assumptions since a more recent (post-election) Press Notice on this topic returns to the familiar �parental responsibility� theme (Department for Education and Skills, 2005b). 291: Acknowledgments. context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this MUD (moral underclass discourse) emphasises moral and cultural causes of poverty and is much concerned with the issue of dependency. This study uses data from the National Social Capital Survey in South Korea to empirically investigate the impact of the social mix policy on trust, networks, and norms, which are the three types of social capital that promote social integration. 389/2004. discipline in schools, it seems likely that these proposals have in fact been Although not explicitly referenced in the Press Notice, the target was drawn from a report published some two months earlier by the Social Exclusion Unit (Social Exclusion Unit, 1998). In the case of exclusion from school, New Labour�s rhetoric is now constructing the �problem� as one of bad behaviour by individual children requiring a �solution� of discipline and zero tolerance. However, policy initiatives on social exclusion have tended, for a combination of economic and political reasons, to focus on groups such as children, young families and the unemployed. Department for Education and Skills (2005b). New Labour, New Language? Analysis of the ways in which social actors are represented in the texts (fig. 2005/0053. Findings from South Korea, Territorial Stigmatisation and Poor Housing at a London ‘Sink Estate’, The social cleansing of London council estates: everyday experiences of ‘accumulative dispossession’, Social Housing and Urban Renewal: A Cross-National Perspective, Social Housing and Urban Renewal: An Introduction: A Cross-National Perspective, Desk-based review on the anthropological dimension of insecurity, Analysing dominant policy perspectives-the role of discourse analysis, Housing Exclusion of the Roma: Living on the Edge, The labour government and access to affordable credit - More spin than action? Residents' major dislikes about their area in six estates. Threequarters of those living in social housing are now in the poorest 40% of the population. A further six focus on knives and one covers both topics. Authors: Anna Haworth. Thus, I would argue the recent shift in New Labour�s rhetoric on exclusion from school from redistributive concerns about equal access to schooling to neo-conservative victim-blaming (Blyth & Milner, 1994) has its roots in the more fundamental shift from redistributive to neo-liberal economic policies. For example, �Foundation partnerships� (line 17) is drawn from the 5-year strategy for education published in July 2004 (Department for Education and Skills, 2004a). Although the numbers who experience formal exclusion from school are small, it is well established that they are disproportionately members of marginalised groups: boys, black children, traveller children, children with special educational needs, looked-after children, poor children and other disadvantaged groups (Audit Commission, 1996; Daniels et al., 2003; Department for Education and Skills, 2004b; Hayden, 1997; Jordan, 2001; OFSTED, 1996; Osler & Hill, 1999; Osler et al., 2001; Social Exclusion Unit, 1998; Wilkin et al., 2005; Wright et al., 2000). Turning to the analysis of the texts themselves, there are further indications of significant shifts in the dominant discourses, underlying assumptions and ways in which different groups of social actors are represented. DfEE. Firstly, I found Fairclough�s focus on intertextuality(3), recontextualisation(4) and emphasis on locating texts within wider social events particularly well-matched to the study of social policy, its transmission to public and professional audiences via the media and its relationship to educational practice. Department for Education and Skills (2004a). This powerfully illustrates the shift. This tended to be in unpopular schools, primarily those with poor exam results and/or poor inspection outcomes and invariably located in deprived areas, a practice which, at least in perception, worsened the problems of already struggling schools. School of the Built Environment, Department of Housing, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS, UK, [email protected] See all articles by this author. We contend that there are numerous homologies between the meaning content, objects and tenor of these two terms, and suggest that the ‘chav’ represents a popular reconfiguration of the underclass idea. The reason for text 2�s (2001) conflicted problems and solutions now becomes apparent as a schism between social integrationist discourse on the one hand and moral underclass discourse on the other. New Labour's assault on council estates has been well documented. Anthropological dimension of insecurity) by the research team of the MARGIN project under the lead role of the University of Milano-Bicocca. It is seen to concentrate poverty, unemployment, and even vandalism in specific areas, ultimately causing greater social problems. Taylor, C., Fitz, J. This article argues that the decline of the ‘underclass’ discourse in the UK, and the rise of the ‘chav’, are not unconnected. Council tenants are being forced out of their homes due to estate renewal, welfare reforms, poverty, and the precarity of low-income work. 71: Crack Alleys and Killing Zones News Coverage of the Postindustrial City. For example, text 1 from 1997 contains the clauses "Rights go hand in hand with responsibilities." The use of co-location data must be There is very little reference made to prior policy on exclusions/behaviour/discipline despite being issued at a time when the Labour government had been in power for some four years. Firstly, the proposal for admissions forums to become mandatory was followed up by a consultation exercise and ultimately implemented in the Education Act 2002. The article refers to the genesis of the content of the term 'social exclusion', its current usage and relation to a range of social processes (exclusion from securities and exposure to risks - including environmental risks, exclusion from the labour market, exclusion from mobility paths, etc.). Discourses, Assumptions and Representations. These particular press releases share the common strand of being released simultaneously with the annual �Statistics on permanent exclusions in maintained schools�. (depersonalised) entity �behaviour�. 1998/0386. The article acknowledges the deprivation and various social problems the Aylesbury residents have faced. Thus "promote good behaviour" (Text 2, line 15) and "tackling poor behaviour" (text 3, line 40) are used without an explicit statement of whose behaviour is being talked about. Given that it raises so many issues which had already been prominent in the media, it is perhaps unsurprising that text 3 generated the largest immediate response in terms of newspaper articles. Osler, A. Permanent and Fixed Period Exclusions from Schools and Exclusion Appeals in England, 2003/04. SID has the ‘third way’ priority of equal access to employment … significant part of social change.� chains� to refer to the way in which different genres are linked together in the A consultation process on proposals for a national investigation process into allegations against teachers was initiated on the same day as text 3 was issued and this was an issue during the election campaign. It emerges in text 2 (2001) and dominates by text 3 (2004). DfES, 9th July 2001. However the issue was not mentioned in the Queen�s speech and as yet it is unclear whether any new process will be implemented. BBC News. Yet despite a strong commitment by housing researchers to policy relevance, constructionist studies of how specific social problems are generated and deployed have so far made only a limited impact on, With the setting up of the Social Exclusion Unit (SEU) in December 1997, the question of social exclusion has become central to the social policies of the new Labour government. (1998). (lines 46 - 47), "what more could be done to ensure that all parents take responsibility for their children�s behaviour in school? of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, raise the minimum age for the purchase of knives to 18 but makes no mention of Dunn, Y. Text 1 (1998) had been concerned that geographical inequalities in the use of exclusion were unfairly keeping children out of education (lines 18-20). Secondly, the promise to introduce a requirement on LEAs to provide full-time education for excluded pupils was implemented in Guidance issued in 2002. The comment-aries by Frank Field, Joan C. Brown, Alan Walker and Nicholas Deakin are also reprinted. Exclusions from secondary schools 1995-6: A report from HMCI. relationship and embedding describes a clause which functions as an element of Permanent Exclusions form Schools and Exclusion Appeals, England 2002/2003 (Provisional). Lancaster University, unpublished. "no knives or other weapons should be brought onto school premises" (text 3, line 92) when this is already illegal) and extremely general and uncontroversial advice on behaviour management that is already common practice (e.g. Garner, R. (2004). While official statistics suggest rates of exclusion fell during Labour�s first term in office, a steady rise has been occurring since that time (see fig. The major policy implication is that the existence of welfare state Off the Streets and Out of Schools: Home Secretary's fight against knives. The methodology makes use of the three-fold categorization of discourses of social exclusion developed by Levitas (1998) with reference to contemporary British politics and social policy. Its objective is twofold: on the one hand, it represents a first step towards developing the methodological resources and best practices to investigate crime-related issues in real-life scenarios and, on the other hand, it helps to identify relevant issues related to the relationship between insecurity and the cultural dimension. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by T, upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. This focus avoids questions about whether something might be wrong with the structures of schooling if schools are unable to meet the needs of so many children. A slightly more rehabilitative focus is evident in the limited policy goal of "putting disruptive pupils back on track" (Text 2, line 60) but this is seen as achievable through exclusionary measures aimed at individual children such as increasing places in Learning Support Units and Pupil Referral Units. (Text 1, line 11) and "Parents who need help with parenting will get it." Equating pupils who persistently disrupt classes with those who commit violent acts suggests that violence is much more common than is actually the case and fuels a moral panic. What does remain consistent over time, however, is the passivation and disempowerment of children. T, not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other, liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or, This article may be used for research, teaching, and priv, reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, the Labour Government’s Social Exclusion Unit report, Downloaded by [University of Tasmania] at 16:29 24 November 2014, analysis, has provided a theoretical framework that has, view to promote “sustainable policies”. course of a regularly recurring social practice. Similarly, during 2004 the NASUWT issued repeated press releases advising their members to refuse to take school trips creating regular press coverage of the issue. Misspent Youth: Young People and Crime. The ‘underclass’ is a term similar to ‘race’ in that it is a concept that is universally used, one that most people understand, yet few would be able to define. that a common example of this is that of processes being represented as In exploring this question, I have drawn heavily on Critical Discourse Analysis (hereafter CDA) and particularly Norman Fairclough�s approach (Fairclough, 2001, 2003). Text 1 was the first policy announcement on exclusion after the 1997 general election. The solution is redistribution of … Certainly there have been no further falls. The only clear �solution� proposed is to give head teachers the power to search pupils suspected of carrying knives. In practice, I found this approach particularly applicable to the study of a limited number of texts in their social and political context by a sole researcher for at least four reasons. the notion of language function. Department for Education and Skills (2004c). used to describe the relationship between the Press Notices and subsequent (Text 3, lines 62-63). Permanent Exclusions from Maintained Schools in England, 2002/2003, DfES. Underclass originally published by the IEA in 1990 following its earlier appearance in the Sunday Times Magazine. RR244. These models also suggest that mixing of income groups improves the norms of low-income groups but reduces the trust of high-income groups. The other two, however, focussed on what was termed �anger management for infants�, an emphasis which it seems unlikely the (unidentified) author of the press release intended to promote. 2). The clear shift which has occurred in New Labour�s discourse on exclusion from school cannot help but influence the practice of exclusion. When should it be done? policy discourse in Britain is the willingness to introduce an explicitly moral dimension into analyses of problems, with the result that increasingly punitive strategies are adopted. The �statement� itself includes both re-statements of existing law (e.g. This is borne out by the terms co-located(12) with �parents�. Cambridge Journal of Education, 29(1), 33-62. Tony Manzi. The authors discuss the changing nature of the consumer credit mrket and illustrate how this has partly contributed to an increase in personal debt, financial exclusion and over-indebtedness. Search Google Scholar for this author, Tony Manzi. London, DfES. (London, Routledge). Having established that these three press notices progressively shift �other� children and �irresponsible� parents into more demonised identities over time, the question now arises as to whether this shift is �merely� rhetorical or whether it actually promotes inequality by encouraging the practice of exclusion. 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