sentence with the word difference

Another chief point of difference with Aquinas was in regard to the freedom of the will, which Duns Scotus maintained absolutely. The difference between schists and gneisses is mainly that the latter have less highly developed foliation; they also, as a rule, are more coarse grained, and contain far more quartz and felspar, two minerals which rarely assume platy or acicular forms, and hence do not lead to the production of a fissile character in the rocks in which they are important constituents. The chief difficulty in deciding their ethnical relations is their remarkable physical difference from the neighbouring peoples. In some cases the closest examination has failed to detect any distinction that may be called specific between the members of their avifauna; but in most it is possible to discover just sufficient difference to warrant a separation of the subjects. The respiratory current of water is therefore conducted to the exterior by different means from that adopted by Amphioxus, and this difference is so great that the theory which seeks to explain it has to postulate radical changes of structure, function and topography. This difference in behaviour of the three elements, chlorine, bromine and iodine, which in many respects exhibit considerable resemblance, may be explained in the following manner. Fragmentary as the records are, they show that the Exopterygota preceded the Endopterygota in the evolution of the class, and that among the Endopterygota those orders in which the greatest difference exists between imago and larva - the Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera - were the latest to take their rise. It won't make any difference to you whether they are adopted or biological - not in how much you love them or how you treat them. For there is all the difference in the world between using a body of general theory as an indication of the factors to be considered in the study of a special problem, and undertaking special studies with a view to testing the general theory. In this the word is used to mean having relatively low density, also since it is used to describe the word metal which is a noun, it is an adjective. Clauses, phrases and sentences are very similar, but they do have different roles. The origin of the corpuscles, previously a matter of so much difference of opinion, is now pretty fairly set at rest, and has proved the key to the interpretation of the pathology of many diseases of the blood, such as the different forms of anaemia, of leucocythaemia, &c. There is neither any absolute difference nor a constancy in their chemical reactions, and there can be brought about a transition of the " colloid " material into the " mucoid," or conversely. When two metallic conductors are placed in an electrolyte, a current will flow through a wire connecting them provided that a difference of any kind exists between the two conductors in the nature either of the metals or of the portions of the electrolyte which surround them. The biggest difference between a third world and first world country is the average quality of living for its citizens. That difference gives me brown eyes and you blue eyes. One of the distinctive features of this family is the presence of small naked callosities on the buttocks; another being a difference in the number of vertebrae and ribs as compared with those of the Simiidae. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In ordinary cells the difference is secured by using two dissimilar metals, but an electromotive force exists if two plates of the same metal are placed in solutions of different substances, or of the same substance at different concentrations. (big, considerable, real, sharp) " The basic difference is their views on the topic. It is remarkable that the difference in the heats of formation of ketones and the paraffin containing one carbon atom less is 67.94 calories, which is the heat of formation of carbon monoxide at constant volume. 2 With regard to this, Syriac has one great difference from Hebrew, viz. The difference between her before her Monday night deal with Darkyn and now almost made him reconsider. There's a difference between romance and sex. Many students have a problem between these words because they are used in very similar situations, so I’ll offer a quick explanation! Existing classifications, however, do not take account of any difference in kind between mountain and hills, although it is common in the German language to speak of Hiigelland, Mittelgebirge and Hochgebirge with a definite significance. Love and desire – was there actually a difference between the two when the first existed? It contains all the essential elements of the hammer-headed crane, of which it may be considered to be the parent; in fact, the only essential difference is that the Titan is portable and the hammer-head crane fixed. The chief difference between the first three types lies in the weight of rails and rolling stock and in the radius of the curves. This is 490,251 higher than the actual population, 32,475,253, ascertained by the census of the 10th of February 1901; the difference is due to temporary absences from their residences of certain individuals on military service, &c., who probably were counted twice, and also to the fact that 469,020 individuals were returned as absent from Italy, while only 61,606 foreigners were in Italy at the date of the census. in the interior the rains are less frequent, but when they occur are far mpre heavy, so that there is much less difference in the annual rainfall there as compared with the rest of the country than in the number of rainy days. What difference does it make if we wait a few weeks? Very soon she learned the difference between ON and IN, though it was some time before she could use these words in sentences of her own. When to Use A. The great difference is in the attitude towards the Lord's Supper, the Reformed or Calvinistic Churches repudiating not only transubstantiation but also the Lutheran consubstantiation. The difference between his former and present self was that formerly when he did not grasp what lay before him or was said to him, he had puckered his forehead painfully as if vainly seeking to distinguish something at a distance. He imagined all sorts of possible contingencies, just like the younger men, but with this difference, that he saw thousands of contingencies instead of two or three and based nothing on them. The doctor says the next few hours and days will tell the difference. In experiment under ordinary circumstances it makes no difference whether the collecting lens is in front of or behind the diffracting aperture. I think helping Lisa has made me realize that one person can make a difference. difference definition: 1. the way in which two or more things which you are comparing are not the same: 2. a…. The difference in form and content suggests that the Polygonal Numbers was not part of the larger work. Words can be grouped together, but without a subject or a verb. A sentence, however , is also a group of words where both the subject and verb can be seen. 5. CK 1 2276509 It doesn't make any difference. that in 455 there was a difference of eight days between the Roman and the Alexandrine Easter. The only difference is that, probably owing to the fact that the distinction was due to conquest, the local character of the distinction lived on much longer than it did at Rome. This large quantity of air is forced through the furnace by means of the difference of pressure established between the external atmospheric pressure in the ash-pan and the pressure in the smoke-box. 64, ad Marcian.) Virtually, this was a republican government like that of the United States, for no difference existed in the mode of election of the regent from that of a president. 213+41 sentence examples: 1. She seems to have some idea of the difference between original composition and reproduction. The beliefs of Clement have caused considerable difference of opinion among modern scholars. CK 1 2892037 That's got to make a difference. 'Here,' I say, 'are five words randomly chosen; turn them into a sentence.' As far as the difference in language will permit, there is cordial fellowship and co-operation with the Presbyterian Church of England. to 40 9°, as compared with an actual difference of 41 2°, and a difference of 61° assumed by Ptolemy. These small individuals present apparently no other differences, and Sergi maintains that the difference is racial, these being the descendants of a race of pygmies who had emigrated from central Africa. If it doesn't, you … This slender distinction was made much of by most subsequent writers until Nathanael Carpenter in 1625 pointed out that the difference between geography and chorography was simply one of degree, not of kind. The fundamental points of difference between North Carolina and South Carolina were exemplified in the slavery conflict. (Whether one calls the unknowable a revealed mystery or an unexplained and inexplicable fact makes little difference.) No one can tell the physical difference until the injections wear off. Dean smiled to himself at the difference between happiness and a Thursday night romp. He didn't understand the difference between an immortal warrior and a human child, between opponent and innocent. In the early periods of the history of other countries this seems to have been the case even where the dog was esteemed and valued, and had become the companion, the friend and the defender of man and his home; and in the and century of the Christian era Arrian wrote that "there is as much difference between a fair trial of speed in a good run, and ensnaring a poor animal without an effort, as between the secret piratical assaults of robbers at sea and the victorious naval engagements of the Athenians at Artemisium and at Salamis.". If more than one compound be formed from the same two elements,, the difference is shown by prefixing such words as mono-, di-, tri-, sesqui-, per-, sub-, &c., to the last part of the name, or the suffixes -ous and -ic may be appended to the name of the first element. Parce que introduces a cause or reason. The difference is a difference in method. Herodotus says nothing of a difference in shape, but most authorities regard the form M, which with the value of s is practically confined to Doric areas, as being san. The difference in this case is that it is getting to be a pattern — increasing in frequency and violence. Phrase and sentence are common structures in any language and are made up of a group of words. Mill recognizes an ultimate difference in quality between higher and lower pleasures. The main difference between clause and sentence is that a sentence always conveys an independent meaning whereas a clause does not always convey an independent meaning.. What is a Clause Disagreement is one thing, but accusations of lying are a different matter altogether! Learning the difference between them will help you make a lot more sense of English grammar, and will be very useful to improve your written English. Parce Que. As verbs the difference between phrase and sentence is that phrase is (music) to perform a passage with the correct phrasing while sentence is to declare a sentence on a convicted person; to doom; to condemn to punishment. In French, what’s the difference between parce que, car, en effet, and puisque? With genuine soaps, however, it suffices to calculate the fatty acids as anhydrides and add to this the amount of alkalis, and estimate the water by difference. For example, the difference due to an increment of CH 2 is about 56.6, as is shown in the following table: - Since the critical volume of normal pentane C5H12 is 307.2, we have H 2 = C 5 H 12 -5CH 2 =307.2 - 5 X56.6 =24.2, and C=CH2 - H2= 32.4. ), and compounds satisfying this relation differ in many of their physical properties. The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their community. They are differences which seem to be inherent in the difference between a republic and a monarchy, but which it would be truer to say are inherent in the difference between a body of men packed close together within the walls of a city and a body of men - if we can call them a body - scattered over a wide territory.. There is clearly a difference between these two categories. And the doctrine found acceptance among some whom it enabled to get rid of the difficulties raised by Montaigne and those who allowed more difference between animal and animal than between the higher animals and man. Not indeed altogether so homogeneous as the Nearctic area, it presents, however, even at its extreme points, no very striking difference between the bulk of its birds. The difference between these two latter substances was first pointed out by Cronstedt, and in 1778 C. Scheele prepared molybdic acid from the sulphide. I can make a difference in this world. The sole difference is therefore that in Eudrilus the ovarian sac gives rise to a tube which bifurcates, one branch meeting a corresponding branch of the other ovary of the pair, while the second branch reaches the exterior. part by the yolk, and in part by those anterior and posterior rudiments Its composition has been the subject of prolonged difference of which usually form the mesenteron, but that in some Hexapoda opinion. There are extensions of the binomial theorem, by means of which approximate calculations can be made of fractions, surds, and powers of fractions and of surds; the main difference being that the number of terms which can be taken into account is unlimited, so that, although we may approach nearer and nearer to the true value, we never attain it exactly. The age difference was a complication to the rela-tionship. The game is obviously bowls, the sole difference being that an upright peg, about 4 in. The so-called cities (7rbXas) of the TEpioucot answered pretty well to the local plebeian tribes; the difference is that the 7repioLKOC never became a united corporate body like the Roman plebs. According to our former standard, this gives the smallest difference of wave-lengths in a double line which can be just resolved; and we conclude that the resolving power of a grating depends only upon the total number of lines, and upon the order of the spectrum, without regard to any other considerations. Definition of Variety. Going southward there is also a gradual decrease in the mean annual temperature, the difference between Rio de Janeiro and the Amazon being about 5°. Another word for difference. The difference between the two sub-classes has been shown to be slight; certain of the more archaic Tectibranchia (Actaeon) and Pulmonata (Chilina) still have the visceral commissure long and not untwisted. In this scenario, color is the independent variable with the, White evangelicals are slightly more skeptical, but the poll found that it made no, So, in the midst of all this chaos and cruelty to one another, what, Nothing that we can do to it could possibly make any, Experience that's worldwide and worldwise. The only difference is that you will not have a tumor killing you. Therefore, according to Kekule, the double linkages are in a state of continual oscillation, and if his dynamical notion of valency, or a similar hypothesis, be correct, then the difference between the 1.2 and 1.6 di-derivatives rests on the insufficiency of his formula, which represents the configuration during one set of oscillations only. It shouldn't make any difference, but it did. To determine the difference between "were" and "we're," try substituting "we are" for the word. The institutions adopted were to be as far as possible in accordance with the wishes of the people, but it was a fundamental condition " that there should not be in the eye of the law any distinction or disqualification whatever, founded on mere difference of colour, origin, language or creed.". Having a gun wouldn't have made a difference, either. Hon, the difference between you and the rest of us is that you see the keypads as a threat. Since zinc goes into solution and copper comes out, the electromotive force of the cell will be the difference between the two effects. The difference between the two readings of S is then twice the distance between A and B. The other point of difference is that, whatever we take for the origin and the definition of nobility, in most countries it became something that could be given from outside, without the need of any consent on the part of the noble class itself. For soft iron, tungsten-steel and nickel little difference appeared to result from lowering the temperature down to - 186° C. (the temperature of liquid air); at sufficiently high temperatures, 600 to 1000° or more, it was remarked that the changes of length in iron, steel and cobalt tended in every case to become proportional to the magnetic force, the curves being nearly straight lines entirely above the axis. It was too late to change her mind now - and what difference did it make why Alex was coming? The only real difference: the ancient intelligence in the deity's steady gaze, which seemed out of place in such a youthful face. Examples of words that sound the same but mean different things include there, their and they’re. According to the principle already laid down it can make but little difference in the principal direction corresponding to the first spectrum, provided each line lie within a quarter of an interval (a+d) from its theoretical position. In this interpretation of the universe, the difference between mechanical or relative necessity and absolute or ideal necessity is slurred, or dogmatically affirmed to be non-existent. 3. It will be noticed that the difference between the greatest and least hourly values is, in all but three winter months, actually larger than the mean value of the potential gradient for the day; it bears to the range of the regular diurnal inequality a ratio varying from 2.0 in May to 3.6 in November. For example, the difference between aquatic ants with floating leaves, such as the yellow water-lily (Nymphaea l~. There is a difference between the sea life west of Cape Point and that to the east due to the markedly differing sea temperatures. This difference of three and a half degrees between the temperature of the deep water and the shallow in the latter pond, and the fact that a great proportion of it is comparatively shallow, show why it should break up so much sooner than Walden. If V is the volume of a ball, H the strength of the field at its centre, and re its apparent susceptibility, the force in the direction x is f= K'VH X dH/dx; and if K',, and are the apparent susceptibilities of the same ball in air and in liquid oxygen, K' Q -K'o is equal to the difference between the susceptibilities of the two media. In the case of the telescope we have to deal with a linear measure of aperture and an angular limit of resolution, whereas in the case of the microscope the limit of resolution is linear, and it is expressed in terms of angular aperture. "Doesn't make a difference now if I die this weekend, does it?" The Greek word literally means different name. The difference between the gill-books of Limulus and the lung-books of Scorpio depends on the fact that the latter are adapted to aerial respiration, while the former serve for aquatic respiration. 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